Treating Cough And Cold In Pets

Your beloved pet might develop a hacking cough, weeping eyes and runny nose which could be symptoms of having kennel cough. This is a common phenomenon and pet owners need not get worried, but take certain precautions that help prevent the situation from getting worse. For a canine a kennel cough is similar to contracting common cold in human beings. It is usually an infection that comes by due to viral or bacterial infection. Most pets come down with kennel cough often and there are remedies that your veterinarian can provide to ease the symptoms. 

Common symptoms

In case your pet living in plastic dog kennels has contracted a viral infection, you need to let it run its course which will be a week or more. Many people wish to alleviate the suffering of their pet as soon as possible. It is a good idea to visit the vet with your pet so that the cough and cold symptoms do not get aggravated into pneumonia. That is a common progression of such infections in certain cases, especially in older dogs. There are vaccines available and vets recommend that such vaccines are taken in order to prevent the onset of such viral infections. In case the infection is caused by bacteria the vet would prescribe antibiotics that would take care of the problem. See this post to find out more reviews regarding plastic dog kennels.

Home remedies

Akin to how we keep children when they have a cough and cold, there are common home remedies that often prove helpful when a pet is suffering from a cold. The pet should be kept warm and away from drafty windows and doors. When a pet has kennel cough it is advisable that it is made to drink lots of fluids. A hot shower along with hygienic surroundings like a clean dog toilet tray would also provide relief to your pet.

Other points to remember

In case you are planning to board your pet anywhere, it is imperative that your pet does not suffer from kennel cough at such a time. As kennel cough is contagious, most kennel or pet boarding places will not take on a pet if it is suffering from kennel cough. There are certain aggressive treatments available in order to prevent the contagious cold symptoms from spreading. You can get your pet over to an experienced vet who would run the required tests in order to determine the kind of infection it has contracted. This will help them to treat the cold or cough in the pet accordingly. You need to get your pet treated in advance before you plan to put it up at a boarding.