How To Keep Your Dorm Organized?

Living in a dorm at college can be a bit of a nightmare from time to time and the nightmare usually starts with your roommate and ends with a messy room so it is very important to keep your room as clean and as tidy as possible because your dorm is a space where you will be living for more than three years depending on your course. The dorm will also be a space where you will be studying, sleeping and eating for many weeks and years so it is best to create a surrounding around you that is organized and neat because otherwise two weeks into college, you will start to experience a nervous breakdown related to all of the cleaning that you have to do instead of studying for a test.

If you’re someone who is planning on moving into a dorm or you’re already three weeks into your first semester and you’re looking for solutions to your organization problem, you should keep reading further because the list given below will definitely help you keep your life very organized. 

Put it away

If you have not been living under a rock for the most of your life, you probably would have heard of the phrase ‘seeing is believing’ and this term also can be applied to your dorm room because if you do not see any clutter and messes around your room, your brain is likely to believe that you live a very organized life and not constantly send you signals nudging you to clean and organize your space.

However, the above mentioned does not mean that you can simply hide your messes and get away with it because no matter how well you hide your mess, you will know that you are living in a very unorganized manner. Organizing your dorm is not a big task, all you will need is some easy storage solutions that you can easily find at your local stores in the forms of drawers, shelving systems and plastic boxes and none of it will require for any cheap self storage units. The best stack solution for your clothing items are drawers that you can use to separate your inner wear to your outerwear and organize in whatever manner you prefer and seem easier for you.

Clean up after yourself

Instead of piling up laundry and dirty dishes in your dorm to clean for later and clean all together, your life will be made ten times easier if you take the time after each meal to clean the dish you ate in or to make the bed every day after you wake up in the morning as doing so will save you from having to do cleaning, laundry and dishes on a large scale.