There are a number of reasons why you might prefer to do freelance work. For instance, it gives you a certain amount of freedom to choose the work you take on and your own working hours. Freelance work is ideal if you have other commitments like school or if you are a stay at home parent because you can fit your work schedule into your daily routine. The Internet also makes it easier for you to find and complete freelance jobs from all over the world. You can make use of this opportunity to find work for yourself, whether you want to make it your main source of income or if you want to use it to make some extra pocket money. Here are some of the different types of media jobs you can find as a freelancer.
Designing websites
You can find a lot of web developer jobs online. Since these jobs are done on the internet and with the use of a computer there is no geographical barrier to who can do these jobs. It really opens up the market to people from all over the world. Because of this you can really let your work speak for itself. If you have a good portfolio you can easily find work in this area
If you make a name for yourself in this field you can earn a really good income because companies having an attractive website is a priority for the marketing strategy of many companies.
Advertisements and other images
Advertising jobs in Sydney are very high in demand and are very well paid as well. A lot of companies require these images to be made for advertising and marketing purposes. What clients will be looking for is eye catching, unique work that is cohesive with their product or their brand. Therefore if you can deliver on these grounds you can build a reputation for yourself as a really good graphic designer.
Once you have worked for a few clients you can even make a website or a blog for yourself with the images that you have designed. You can use this as a reference point for future clients who want to see a sample of your work.
Copy writing
Copy writers are also required for a number of media outlets such as magazines and websites. Some of the things you will find yourself writing include product reviews and descriptions. These will be used in company websites to attract customers and to compel them to buy the products. Therefore make sure your writing is very descriptive and colourful and interesting to read.